Many people have never experienced hurricane damage to their home. That is why it is important for Florida homeowners to know the basics of hurricane preparedness and what they should expect when a hurricane hits. In this blog post, we will cover 8 tips that will help you prepare your house before hurricane season starts.
- Make a Plan
In hurricane season, it’s essential to have a hurricane preparedness plan. Should you find yourself in the path of any hurricane or tropical storm. It is important to remain calm and not panic as this will only make things more complicated than they need to be. In the case that evacuation becomes necessary, put together an emergency bag for each family member with extra clothing, medications, toiletries and any other import item.
2. Create an Emergency Kit
It is important that you create an emergency kit for each hurricane season. This can include food, water, batteries, candles and any other items your family will need to survive for two weeks without power. If your home becomes damaged in the hurricane, it may be difficult to find these items so having them stocked up before hurricane season will keep everyone safe.
3. Maintain your gutters and drains year round.
This will help you minimize the risk of flooding during hurricane season or clean up after a storm is passed through. Clogged gutters and drains increase the chance of water entering your home via windows or floors from flooding.
4. Ensure that all windows are hurricane proof, if they aren’t already.
If you do not already have impact windows, make sure to purchase and use the appropriate shutters for your windows and doors. Shutters can be used every year and are the best defense against flying debris aside from impact windows in preventing hurricane damage.
5. Secure and store loose exterior items
Remove any items located outside of your home and properly store them until after the hurricane passes. Based on the size of the item left outside during a storm event, hurricane damage is likely should the item be picked up by strong winds and rain.
6. Collect and store important documents
Collect passports, medical papers, birth certificates, financial documents and more for every family member in your home as well as important documents regarding your house itself. Keep these documents in a damage-proof safe or place them in any emergency bag kept on hand in case of evacuation. Include any insurance documents as well in the case that you need to file a water damage claim.
7. Power Up
Put gas in your car or generators during hurricane. If you are without power for several days, it is important to make sure that you have enough gasoline stored up in the event of a generator failure for emergency purposes only. If there was no damage done to your house and city infrastructure is restored quickly; ensure that any extra fuel is properly stored and cared for until the next storm event.
8. Know Your Risk
You should know your hurricane risk before the storm event begins. There are many online tools that you can use to determine the hurricane risk in your area. Organizations like the Red Cross, have many different articles and tips on preparing for a hurricane. You can also call a weather office or local 911 dispatch center and follow your local news stations. In addition it is important for every family member to have an emergency plan as well as a list of contacts they will need after a storm event.
Remaining prepared and aware during all storm events, whether a hurricane or tropical storm, is vital in keeping your family safe and preventing hurricane damage to your home and property.